“The Clearing”, an ink drawing of a house forgotten.

I’ve been fascinated ever since I can remember by old forgotten homesteads.  I grew up on a farm in rural Kentucky spending my summers barefoot with my toes in the dust, wading in the cool waters of the creek and chasing cattle.  Long days were spent in the sun baked fields setting tobacco or tossing hay bales on a slowly moving wagon.  I remember helping my mother shell peas and snap beans on the porch swing so she could can them.  These memories are so dear to me now.  I’m older with kids of my own and setting out on a parallel journey to my mother’s.  My parents sadly both passed away several years ago and the farm is ours now.  We work the earth and hope for rain when the days become long and hot just as they did so many years ago.  When I pass an abandoned farm house it pulls me in, I find my mind wandering and picturing how the people that lived there years ago spent their days.  I can see them in my mind’s eye doing the same things; shelling peas, snapping beans, sweating under the blazing summer sun in the fields.  It always makes me sad to see a once loved old home falling into disrepair.  I try to figure how it ended up this way, forgotten and alone with nature reclaiming it.  This illustration is based on all those beautiful old homes with their weathered clapboard and sagging roofs.  Available as an original in my Etsy shop.

The Clearing3 The Clearing5

Graphite and Grandpa’s

I’ve been working on a graphite drawing based on an antique photograph. He is back in my family a ways and I’m sure he’s somebody’s grandpa! Quite fetching with hella neck beard!  Just a few photos of the work in progress.






Making Time for Making Art

Life has gotten in the way of making art for far too long.  Building a house, taking care of my wild children, cleaning, cooking, shoveling snow; the list goes on and on.  I have lately been forcing myself to sit down and get to work.  I never thought I would have to force myself to do something that I love but it’s so easy to skip art making when there are a million other things waiting on you.  So I have been putting my fine art degree back into use!  I have been adding items to my Etsy shop and plan on adding many more.  I have to say I have been enjoying this renewed creative time.  Here are a couple of examples of my recent work!

groovy3 Bennett3The Evening Shore1margaret alma4

My life on Etsy


I went to Northern Kentucky University and received a BFA in Printmaking.

After I graduated I found Etsy to be a viable way to continue doing what I love and showing it to the world!

I make all sorts of things, I love to screenprint, paint, sculpt, sew, take photos….the list goes on and on.

check out my shop if you get a chance!